The physical effects of THC typically last a few hours, but traces of THC can linger in your system for up to 90 days. To learn more about THC detection times, read our blog How Long THC Stays in Your System.

Now, if you ever find yourself needing to clear THC out of your system quickly, here are 8 steps you can take to detox:
THC Detox Step 1: Stop Using Cannabis
It’s as simple as it sounds. The first and most crucial step to getting THC out of your system is to stop consuming cannabis. If you keep using cannabis, you're just adding more THC, making it impossible to lower its levels.
As long as you keep consuming cannabis, you're refilling your THC "tank," which is stored in your fat cells. This constant replenishment makes it impossible for your body to reduce the overall THC levels because you're introducing it faster than your body can eliminate it. So, any effort to detox is like taking one step forward and two steps back.
Once you stop using cannabis, your body's THC levels stabilize, and the real detox process can begin. Without new THC entering your system, your body can start focusing on breaking down and eliminating the stored THC.
THC Detox Step 2: Stay Hydrated
It's no secret that water is crucial for keeping your body running smoothly, including when it comes to detoxing. It helps flush out all sorts of nasties through urine, sweat, and feces. And when it comes to getting rid of THC, staying hydrated can dilute the concentration of THC metabolites in your urine, which can be a big help when facing a urine test, one of the most common ways they check for THC.
Urine tests look for THC metabolites in your pee and by drinking lots of water, you increase your urine volume, which can dilute the concentration of these metabolites. This dilution can make it tougher for the test to pick up on them, especially if they're only present in small amounts.
But while guzzling water is good, too much can be a bad thing. Overdoing it can lead to water intoxication, or hyponatremia. To use hydration as part of your THC detox strategy, aim for a reasonable amount, about eight 8-ounce glasses a day, or roughly 2 liters.
So, while you’re sipping that water to help flush out the THC, always remember that moderation is key.
THC Detox Step 3: Add Some Lemon To Your Water
Lemons are natural diuretics, meaning they increase urine production. This boost helps your body expel more water and waste products like THC metabolites. As we mentioned earlier, more frequent urination aids in flushing out toxins from your bloodstream, which in turn supports the overall detox process.
But lemons don’t just make you pee more. They're also packed with vitamin C and citric acid. These nutrients can stimulate your liver to produce bile, which is crucial for digesting and processing fats. Efficient bile production helps your liver metabolize and eliminate toxins, including THC.
Interestingly, despite their acidic taste, lemons have an alkalizing effect on your body once metabolized. This helps maintain your body's pH balance, creating an environment that supports overall detoxification and liver health.
Consequently, adding a bit of lemon to your water can do more than just add a refreshing twist. It can actually help your body detox more effectively.
THC Detox Step 4: Do Cardio Regularly
One of the key characteristics of THC is that it’s lipophilic, meaning it loves to bind to fat molecules in your body. When you consume cannabis, THC enters your bloodstream and quickly settles into fat tissues where it’s stored. Over time, as these fat cells break down during metabolism, the stored THC is released back into your bloodstream.
This is exactly why exercising regularly can come in handy.
Cardiovascular exercise, also known as aerobic exercise, is particularly effective at burning fat. Activities like running, swimming, cycling, and brisk walking get your heart rate up and promote fat metabolism.
By burning fat, you release stored THC from fat cells into your bloodstream. This is crucial for reducing the overall levels of THC in your body. Additionally, cardiovascular exercise improves blood circulation, helping transport THC metabolites to the liver and kidneys for processing and excretion.
To effectively use exercise as part of your THC detox strategy, aim for at least 30-60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise most days of the week. You can also mix in different types of aerobic activities to keep things interesting and target various muscle groups.
THC Detox Step 5: Avoid Fatty Foods
Eating a high-fat diet can increase your body fat percentage, which means more storage for THC. Since THC loves to chill in fat cells, having more fat gives it a bigger hangout spot.
As your body burns fat for energy, THC is gradually released back into your bloodstream. This can stretch out the time THC and its byproducts remain detectable in your system. A high-fat diet can make this even slower because your body keeps adding to its fat stores, ensuring a steady release of THC.
To speed things up, consider cutting back on high-fat foods. A lower-fat diet encourages your body to use up stored fat for energy, which can help release and eliminate THC faster. So, it may be a good idea to skip that burger, fries, and even candy for a while.
THC Detox Step 6: Double Up On Your Fruits, Veggies, & Lean Proteins
If you want to get rid of THC faster, make fruits and veggies your best friends. They're packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber that support your overall health and ramp up your body's detox processes. Fiber is especially helpful because it keeps things moving in your digestive system, which is one of the main ways your body gets rid of waste, including THC metabolites.
Don't forget about lean proteins like chicken, turkey, fish, beans, and legumes. These foods provide the amino acids your body needs to repair tissues and keep your metabolism running smoothly.
By filling your plate with plenty of fruits, veggies, and lean proteins, you'll give your body the support it needs to flush out THC more effectively.
THC Detox Step 7: Try Detox Products
You might want to check out is THC detox products.
These come in the form of drinks or kits, and they’re packed with a mix of herbs, vitamins, and other ingredients that claim to speed up THC elimination.
Detox drinks, in particular, contain diuretics that make you pee more, which can help flush THC metabolites out of your system faster. You might see ingredients like dandelion root or burdock root in these drinks, as they’re believed to support liver function and naturally increase urination.
However, the effectiveness of these detox products can be hit or miss, depending on your metabolism. For instance, someone with a faster metabolism might clear THC quicker than someone with a slower one. So, while these products can provide a boost, they aren’t a guaranteed solution for everyone.
THC Detox Step 8: Take An At Home Drug Test
Don’t skip this last crucial step! After trying all of the steps mentioned above, grab a THC urine test from your local drug store to ensure you've successfully flushed THC out of your system.